Couples & Relationship Therapy

My commitment to you and your partner is to sensitively and supportively guide you both out of destructive patterns into integrated, connecting, thriving intimacy with less shame, guilt and anger.

My expertise in couple’s therapy will assist you, while holding you accountable on your journey toward attainable sexual health, embodied connection, healing and attunement to self and the relationship.


Compulsive Sexual Behaviour


Out of Control Sexual Behaviour

If you found that your out of control sexual behaviours have stunted both yourself and your relationship, I can help.  I typically work with individuals who chronically relapse and struggle to stay on their path of self-recovery.  There is a direct and specific way to work with people who experience sex and/or love addiction.  I am a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT) and have a non-pathologizing expertise that can truly help you in recovery.  Learn more about compulsive sexual behaviours, and contact me to get started.

Partner Betrayal Trauma 

There is no pain worse than finding out the very person who you love and trust has been behaving unfaithfully in secrecy.  The day of discovery of these behaviours is so shocking and confusing, that many partners describe feeling traumatized, deep aching and dissociated to their reality for long periods of time.  For many, the impact is so devastating that their world is shattered.  I am here to help you put the pieces together and navigate this new reality.  There is hope to put your life back together, and not feel scared and hurt all the time.  Learn more about partner trauma, and contact me, I am here to help you.


Betrayed Partners and Family Members of Addicted Families

Sex Therapy


Sex therapy

As a couple, relational and sexual intimacy is a key component of emotional health and well-being. The purpose of sex therapy is to help the couple meet their goals, develop and protect their ‘couple bubble’ and learn to navigate their intimate lives with more connection and joy, less deceit, shame and judgement. This requires learning how to attune to yourself, your partner and the relational needs with curiosity and compassion. Couples share once this happens, that their connection is deeper and more meaningful than ever before. Learn more about sex therapy, then contact me, I am here to help. 

Couples share the following changes in their lives:

·     They feel more committed to their relationship healing and goals

·     They feel more connected relationally and are able to discuss important needs, versus fighting and feeling unfulfilled and resentful 

·     Their intimate and sexual lives are more robust, filled with pleasure and curiosity, rather than dread, shame, and boredom

·     They are able to recognize ruptures in their relationships and have learned how to repair with their partners

To learn more about how I can best be of help and support to you, please contact me